





Drive Business Success with Sage X3 and Sage XRT

Brighten, as a Sage Gold Partner, offers a comprehensive portfolio of Sage Enterprise Applications to help businesses streamline their processes, enhance efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. Our growing team of experts specialises in Sage X3 and Sage XRT solutions’ implementation and support, ensuring your organisation benefits from our in-depth knowledge and industry experience.

Discover these powerful Sage products’ highlights and learn how our team,
partner status, and satisfied customers set us apart in the market.

Sage X3

Sage X3 is a robust, flexible, and scalable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution designed to help businesses simplify their operations, reduce costs, and drive growth.

Some of Sage X3 key features and benefits include:

  • Comprehensive management of finance, supply chain, production, and sales processes.
  • Real-time data and insights for improved decision-making.
  • Cloud-based or on-premise deployment options for flexibility and scalability.
  • Streamlined, user-friendly interface for enhanced productivity.

At Brighten, our experienced team leverages their expertise to implement and support Sage X3, ensuring your organisation can fully benefit from this powerful ERP solution.

Sage XRT

Sage XRT is an advanced treasury management solution to help businesses optimise their financial processes, gain better visibility into their cash flow, and mitigate risks.

Key features and benefits of Sage XRT include:

  • Centralised and automated cash management for improved efficiency.
  • Enhanced visibility into cash flow and financial risk exposure.
  • Streamlined bank communication and reconciliation processes.
  • Customisable reporting and analytics for informed decision-making.

Brighten’s skilled team of professionals excels in implementing and supporting Sage XRT, helping your organisation optimise its financial processes and gain better control over its cash flow.

Brighten’s Partner Status and Experience

As Sage Gold Partner, Brighten is recognised for its commitment to excellence in implementing and supporting Sage solutions. Our long-lasting partnership experience and a growing team of experts reflect our dedication to helping businesses succeed with Sage products. Our extensive knowledge and hands-on experience ensure we can effectively address your organisation’s unique needs.

In addition, we emphasise how important consultant certification is. All our new consultants aim to achieve Sage certification within their first year, and currently, 80% of our consultants are certified by Sage. This commitment guarantees our team maintains the highest level of expertise to better serve our clients.

We want to know your company, your project, and your ambition.

We want to know your company, your project, and your ambition.